Women In Leadership

Our Target Is:


We want to achieve Gender Equality and Empower all Women and Girls is Goal No 5 of The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals to be achieved by 2030.

What do we do?

We offer a series of workshops that aim to recognise and address issues related to gender, unconscious bias, stereotypical roles, and the social and economic gap.

Our workshops show concrete alternatives on how it is possible to achieve your professional potential using the power of flexibility, quality part-time work and entrepreneurship.

Our focus at Verko Academy is to address the root causes of gender disparity to reach the United Nations’ target.

Structure of Workshops

Our workshops are delivered: Face-to-face or online via Zoom/ Teams/ Google Meets.
The Workshops last 2 hours with a maximum capacity of 20-30 participants.

Interractive Sessions
Collaborative Group Work
Practical Activities
Support Materials


Workshop 1

Woman and Inner-Power

Women possess incredible inner power. However, every woman must recognise that value to create a more equitable society.
This can be achieved through education with workshops that recognise and promote gender equality—creating a culture of respect and support for women and among women. Thus challenging gender stereotypes.

In this workshop, you will learn the origins of unconscious gender bias and how to recognise your value. In addition, this workshop will help you overcome feelings of doubt, address unconscious biases, and understand the importance of gender representation in society and the business world, particularly in leadership positions.

job matching services from a recruitment agency
job matching services from a recruitment agency
job placement services from a recruitment agency
Workshop 2

Finding your career paths

Many studies emphasise that women generally experience constrained career progression, occupation segregation, and skill misallocation during their career paths. Unfortunately, these negative impacts will increase if a woman interrupts her career due to maternity breaks.

In this workshop, you will learn: to focus on professional and personal development that will help you build motivation and resilience, giving you the confidence to grow. In this session, you will gain clarity about your professional situation and where your growth potential lies. In addition, we will provide you with the tools and resources you need to be successful in your professional and personal life.

job placement services from a recruitment agency
Workshop 3

Navigation the Job Market

Gender equality is still far from being achieved in the labor market since women remain underrepresented in the paid workforce. Analysis by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) finds that most women are more likely than men to be working in jobs paying the National Minimum Wage (NMW), reflecting that women tend to undervalue their skills and work experience. In general, finding a job is more challenging for women than for men.

This workshop will provide a comprehensive toolkit to
navigate the competitive job market successfully. In this session, you will be able to build an effective resume and
craft impactful cover letters. You will also be able to engage in mock interviews, explore the importance of personal branding, and how to cultivate a strong online presence to enhance your professional profile in today’s digital landscape.

Career Growth
Career Growth
Workshop 4

Women, Leadership and Gender Equity

Gender equality is still far from being achieved in the labor market even though the number of employed women is increasing. Statistics show that women work harder than men, earn less, and struggle to climb the corporate ladder in the business world. The evidence is clear: there needs to be more representation of women in Leadership positions.

This executive leadership workshop is designed:
To help elevate the representation of women in leadership positions, providing them with tools to navigate the business world better, develop and leverage talent, and take on more influential roles. It is necessary to increase women’s full and effective participation and equal leadership opportunities at all levels of decision-making in political, economic, and public life.

Workshop 5

Support Network and Allies

We live in a society where interpersonal relationships are essential. Creating strategic alliances is critical to developing a solid support network that encourages you to develop your potential, allowing you to share knowledge, experiences, and resources to promote growth and mutual success.

In this workshop, you will learn: In this session, we will explore the role of an ally, and how we can all participate in enabling others to thrive and the critical role your mentors and sponsors play in the work environment.
You’ll learn practical ways to establish strong support
networks where you can exchange ideas, solve common
challenges, learn from best practices, and support each other.

Candidate Sourcing
Candidate Sourcing
recruitment services
Workshop 6

Work-Life Balance

Working women must overcome many systemic barriers to build a career as strong as their male counterparts while also taking care of domestic and caregiving responsibilities. The increasing workload is putting a lot of pressure on working women, leaving them with less time for themselves, causing stress and high levels of anxiety. Therefore, achieving work-life balance is imperative for women in the workforce to enjoy a full and dignified quality of life.

This workshop: aims to empower participants with practical strategies and tools to strike a healthy balance between their professional and personal lives, fostering well-being, productivity, and overall life satisfaction.

recruitment services

Are you ready to make the change?

If you are interested in these workshops, please contact us